Nerd Revolt – Photographic (Depeche Mode Cover)

Photographic per­formed by Nerd Revolt. Original song is done by Depeche mode. Video dir­ec­ted by Nerd Revolt.


A white house, a white room
The pro­gram of today
Lights on, switch on
Your eyes are far away

The map rep­res­ents you
And the tape is your voice
Follow all along you
Till you recog­nize the choice

I take pictures
Photographic pictures

Bright light, dark room
Bright light, dark room

I said I'd write a letter
But I nev­er got the time
And look­ing to the day
I mes­mer­ize the light

The years I spend just thinking
Of a moment we both knew
A second boss look­ing into
It seems it can't be true

I take pictures
Photographic pictures

Bright light, dark room
Bright light, dark room

Get the official Electrozombies Depeche Mode tribute compilations now

In case you love Depeche Mode cov­er ver­sions, you should know that we have released two trib­ute com­pil­a­tions in 2017. If you might have missed them, go and check them out now:

Ultra > Angel (A Tribute To Depeche Mode)
Ultra > Angel (A Tribute To Depeche Mode)
Universe > Spirit (A Tribute To Depeche Mode)
Universe > Spirit (A Tribute To Depeche Mode)

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