The Division Red – Paris Café

The Division Red - Paris Café (Cover artwork)Official music video 'Paris Café' per­formed by the US duo 'The Division Red'. The song is taken from the album 'Chroma Compute'. The Division Red's 'Paris Café' left a last­ing impres­sion on me, thanks in part to the stun­ning music video that per­fectly matches the song's mood.

The track itself is a blend of synth pop and com­mer­cial pop/rock, mak­ing it dif­fi­cult to dis­tin­guish between the two genres. However, I think it leans more towards synth pop, mak­ing it appeal­ing to fans of the Electrozombies scene.

The song is incred­ibly catchy, with a chor­us that will have you singing along in no time. The elec­tro effects in the bridge are ingeni­ous, provid­ing a refresh­ing break from the oth­er­wise moody and mel­an­chol­ic tone. The Division Red has man­aged to cre­ate a com­pel­ling track that demands mul­tiple listens and I whole­heartedly recom­mend it.

This song is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘New Synth Pop Songs 2023‘. The playl­ist is updated con­tinu­ously. Follow this playl­ist now and don’t miss any of the latest synth pop hits in 2023.

Listen to 'The Division Red – Paris Café' on Spotify

Lyrics of 'The Division Red – Paris Café'

The hazy streets filled with laughter
The sights and the sounds as I move through the alleyways
I’ve got a feel­ing that I might not have even caught your name
It starts to rain and I wonder
Is this the time and the place we’ve agreed upon
In the club is was all a blur so I might have got it wrong

I’m stuck in the pour­ing rain
By some down­town Paris cafe
And you know i’ve been played the fool
Standing and wait­ing for you

I’m struck with a strange kind of notion
Is this all a dream of some fant­ast­ic love
Although my French isn’t all that good and it’s all I’m think­ing of
And now it’s half past the hour
to my dis­may there’s the steel blue dawn
I guess I’ll wait here just anoth­er minute until my hope is gone

Waiting for you
On a cold rainy night
Under Parisian lights
I think I just might
Dream about you

The Division Red about 'Paris Café

Inspired by the dark energy of Enigma’s “sade­ness” and oth­er late 80’s and early 90’s club sounds, Paris café is a true story about get­ting stood up after a night at the Disco on a rainy night in down­town Paris. 

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