Mr Robokov – Dance With Me

Mr Robokov - Dance With MeThink of early 90s 'Pet Shop Boys' sum­mer hits com­bined with a mod­ern touch. 'Dance With Me' from the Ukrainian artist 'Mr Robokov' gives you exactly this nos­tal­gic feel­ing. Okay, 'Mr Robokov' will cer­tainly not revolu­tion­ise the elec­tron­ic music scene with this sound, but 'Dance With Me' is a fant­ast­ic and abso­lutely sol­id elec­tro pop song. With a won­der­fully catchy melody and soft vocals that remind me a little of the Swedish band 'Daybehavior'.

Among oth­er great bands also this track is part of our Spotify playl­ist ‘Synth Pop Newcomers 2021‘.

Listen to 'Mr Robokov – Dance With Me' on Spotify

Listen to 'Mr Robokov – Dance With Me' on Bandcamp

Watch the lyric video for 'Mr Robokov – Dance With Me'


In front of me
That's all I see
On this dance floor

Both are not free
We can just dream
And wish for more

But all I think

Dance with me
This last waltz
If we kiss
who takes faults?

is so unwise
But we're just guys
Under neon

in his shy eyes
He looks and smiles
Through cold beton

And all he thinks

Dance with me
This last waltz
If we kiss
who takes faults?

If we knew tomorrow
Would we be that timid?
Would we waltz so slow
Would we shine so vivid?

If we knew tomorrow
The bad days and good years
The love like from that show
Would we drop our fears?

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