Depeche Mode – Fragile Tension

Official music video for the 'Depeche Mode' single "Fragile Tension" taken from the album 'Sounds Of The Universe'. Directed by Rob Chandler.


There's a fra­gile tension
That's keep­ing us going
It may not last forever
But, oh, when it's flowing

There's some­thing magic­al in the air
Something so tra­gic we have to care

There's a strange obsession
That's draw­ing us nearer
We don't under­stand it
It nev­er gets clearer

There's some­thing mys­tic­al in our genes
So simplist­ic it kicks and screams

Oh, when we're teetering
On the edge of collapse
Nothing can keep us down

There's a dizzy­ing feeling
That's keep­ing us flying
Through glit­ter­ing galas
Without even trying

There's some­thing rad­ic­al in our hands
Nothing logic­al to our plans

More Depeche Mode

Do you love 'Depeche Mode' like we do? Then you'll be inter­ested in our Depeche Mode album rank­ing in the art­icle 'What is the best Depeche Mode album of all-time?'.

Further you might like to read our art­icle about 'The best Depeche Mode trib­ute com­pil­a­tions'. To hon­our the band, we also have released two trib­ute com­pil­a­tions in 2017. Check out these unique and awe­some cov­er ver­sions from recent Depeche Mode Hits:

Ultra > Angel (A Tribute To Depeche Mode)
Ultra > Angel (A Tribute To Depeche Mode)
Universe > Spirit (A Tribute To Depeche Mode)
Universe > Spirit (A Tribute To Depeche Mode)

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