Meersein – Stripped (Depeche Mode Cover)

A chilled synth pop tribute: Meersein's "Stripped"

Meersein - Stripped (Depeche Mode Cover) (Cover artwork)With "Stripped", Meersein presents a fas­cin­at­ing rein­ter­pret­a­tion of a clas­sic from the synth pop scene. The track, which is inten­ded as a trib­ute to Depeche Mode, per­fectly cap­tures the dark and romantic atmo­sphere of the ori­gin­al. The chal­lenge of cov­er­ing such a well-known song is con­sid­er­able, but Meersein mas­ters it with impress­ive ease.

The cov­er ver­sion of "Stripped" is not a rad­ic­al rein­ven­tion, but that is not its claim either. Instead, Meersein suc­ceeds in seam­lessly com­bin­ing his own sound with the time­less char­ac­ter of the ori­gin­al. The res­ult is a cool, clear sound­scape that is at once famil­i­ar yet dis­tinct. The dis­tant son­ic aes­thet­ic lends the piece an aloof qual­ity, while the lyr­ics trans­port a darkly romantic mood.

Meersein's abil­ity to cap­ture the essence of "Stripped" while giv­ing it a per­son­al touch deserves recog­ni­tion. His sense of atmo­sphere and son­ic soph­ist­ic­a­tion make this inter­pret­a­tion a cap­tiv­at­ing listen. Nevertheless, a slightly bolder approach to cer­tain arrange­ments or a more exper­i­ment­al sound design could lend the piece addi­tion­al dynamism.

Listen to "Meersein – Stripped (Depeche Mode Cover)" on Spotify

More Depeche Mode

Do you love 'Depeche Mode' like we do? Then you'll be inter­ested in our Depeche Mode album rank­ing in the art­icle 'What is the best Depeche Mode album of all-time?'.

Further you might like to read our art­icle about 'The best Depeche Mode trib­ute com­pil­a­tions'. To hon­our the band, we also have released two trib­ute com­pil­a­tions in 2017. Check out these unique and awe­some cov­er ver­sions from recent Depeche Mode Hits:

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