What is the best Erasure album ever? [Update 2022]

What is the best Erasure album ever?

We rated every studio album track by track

To find out what are the best Erasure albums, I did the work and rated every single album track by track. I sum­mar­ized the res­ult in a rank­ing that you can find here. At the end of the art­icle, the val­ues are again clearly arranged, shown chro­no­lo­gic­ally in a curve graph.

Quantity or quality is the question concerning Erasure

The qual­ity of Erasure albums have sig­ni­fic­ant ups and downs. While in the mid-90s the focus was still more on quant­ity and the qual­ity notice­ably declined, Andy Bell and Vince Clarke for­tu­nately caught them­selves again at the begin­ning of the 2000s and no longer deman­ded this high out­put from them­selves. The enorm­ous out­put that Erasure has been pro­du­cing for dec­ades must of course be cred­ited to the guys. So it's per­fectly legit­im­ate not to pro­duce a hit album sometimes.

The best Erasure album charts

Erasure - Snow Globe

17. Snow Globe

Release: 2013
Overall Rating: 2.15 ★★☆☆☆
Great tracks: (None)
Weak tracks: Sleep Quietly, Silent Night, The Christmas Song, Bleak Midwinter, Blood On The Snow, Midnight Clear, White Christmas, Silver Bells

It's okay if you call me the 'Grinch', because I have to admit that I'm not a big fan of christ­mas. It's over hyped, the weath­er sucks and my blood pres­sure rises to infin­ity as soon as I have to listen to 'Last Christmas' by 'Wham!' for the thou­sandth time. Guess how much I would like to listen to an christ­mas album by 'Erasure'?

  1. Bells Of Love (Isabelle's Of Love) 3
  2. Gaudete 2.5
  3. Make It Wonderful 3.5
  4. Sleep Quietly 2
  5. Silent Night 1.5
  6. Loving Man 3
  7. The Christmas Song 1.5
  8. Bleak Midwinter 2
  9. Blood On The Snow 2
  10. There'll Be No Tomorrow! 2.5
  11. Midnight Clear 1.5
  12. White Christmas 1.5
  13. Silver Bells 1.5

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Erasure - Day-Glo (Based On A True Story)

16. Day-Glo (Based On A True Story)

Release: 2022
Overall Rating: 2.2 ★★☆☆☆
Great tracks: (None)
Weak tracks: Based on a True Story, Bop Beat, Pin-Prick, The Conman, Now, Inside Out, The Shape of Things, The End

The album 'Day-Glo (Based On A True Story)' is in fact a recyc­ling of the leftover mater­i­al from the quite fant­ast­ic album 'The Neon' (2020). Unfortunately, most of it is instru­ment­al, which doesn't work for me in gen­er­al. Some pieces sound like techno or house exper­i­ments, like on the concept album 'Ssss' by the pro­ject 'VCMG'. For me, the album is more of an elec­tron­ic exper­i­ment and not a typ­ic­al Erasure album. The diehard fans will be happy, I per­son­ally don't need this album.

  1. Based on a True Story 2
  2. Bop Beat 2
  3. Pin-Prick 2
  4. The Conman 2
  5. Now 2.5
  6. Inside Out 2
  7. Harbour of My Heart 3
  8. 3 Strikes and You're Out 3
  9. The Shape of Things 1.5
  10. The End 2

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Erasure - Loveboat

15. Loveboat

Release: 2000
Overall Rating: 2.41 ★★☆☆☆
Great tracks: (None)
Weak tracks: Mad As We Are, Love Is The Rage

There is little I can say about the album except: A total fail­ure! Everything sounds like it was trans­mit­ted through cot­ton wool. Besides the, let's say, very spe­cial albums 'Snow Globe' and 'Day-Glo', for me per­son­ally 'Love Boat' is one of the worst Erasure albums of all time.

  1. Freedom 3
  2. Where In The World 2.5
  3. Crying In The Rain 2.5
  4. Perchance To Dream 2.5
  5. Alien 2.5
  6. Mad As We Are 2
  7. Here In My Heart 2.5
  8. Love Is The Rage 2
  9. Catch 22 2.5
  10. Moon And The Sky 2.5
  11. Surreal 2

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Erasure - Wild!

14. Wild

Release: 1989
Overall Rating: 3.14 ★★★☆☆
Great tracks: You Surround Me, Brother And Sister
Weak tracks: Piano Song (instru­ment­al), Piano Song

The album 'Wild' is just a mar­gin­al note for me. At the time of its release, I only noticed it cas­u­ally and it nev­er really took me with it.

  1. Piano Song (Instrumental) 2
  2. Blue Savannah 3
  3. Drama! 3.5
  4. How Many Times? 3
  5. Star 3
  6. La Gloria 3
  7. You Surround Me 4
  8. Brother And Sister 4
  9. 2,000 Miles 3
  10. Crown Of Thorns 3.5
  11. Piano Song 2.5

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Erasure - Erasure

13. Erasure

Release: 1995
Overall Rating: 3.18 ★★★☆☆
Great tracks: Rescue Me, Fingers And Thumbs (Cold Summer's Day)
Weak tracks: Intro: Guess I'm Into Feeling

Only one year after the excel­lent album 'I Say I Say I Say', the self-titled album 'Erasure' is released. To be quite hon­est, I have to say that most of the tracks sound like unfin­ished b‑sides of the last pro­duc­tion to me. I think they wanted to forge the iron while it's still hot. A great gift for die-hard fans, but not high ranked in the best Erasure albums.

  1. Intro: Guess I'm Into Feeling 2.5
  2. Rescue Me 4
  3. Sono Luminus 3
  4. Fingers And Thumbs (Cold Summer's Day) 4
  5. Rock Me Gently 3
  6. Grace 3
  7. Stay With Me 3
  8. Love The Way You Do So 3
  9. Angel 3.5
  10. I Love You 3
  11. A Long Goodbye 3

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Erasure -Wonderland

12. Wonderland

Release: 1986
Overall Rating: 3.18 ★★★☆☆
Great tracks: Who Need Love Like That, Reunion, Oh L'amour
Weak tracks: My Heart … So Blue

The debut album of 'Erasure' is without ques­tion a clas­sic in the his­tory of Electropop. Especially with such a strong single as "Oh L'amour", which nev­er made it into the big Top 10 charts. But who cares about the charts? Let's just say that it's a great debut album, but in the track by track rat­ing the album also has many weak to mid-range songs. That's why it didn't get a high pos­i­tion in this ranking.

  1. Who Needs Love Like That 4
  2. Reunion 4
  3. Cry So Easy 3.5
  4. Push Me Shove Me 3
  5. Heavenly Action 3
  6. Say What 3
  7. Love Is A Loser 3
  8. Senseless 3.5
  9. My Heart … So Blue 2.5
  10. Oh L'amour 5
  11. Pistol 3.5

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Erasure - Cowboy

11. Cowboy

Release: 1997
Overall Rating: 3.54 ★★★★☆
Great tracks: In My Arms, Don't Say Your Love Is Killing Me
Weak tracks: (None)

The album 'Cowboy' is, I think, pretty much the most aver­age album by 'Erasure'. Neither fish nor fowl, almost all songs are neither good nor bad. In con­trast to the pre­vi­ous album 'Erasure', which almost made you fall asleep with its super long song lengths, here the tracks are pro­duced in pleas­ant lengths suit­able for radio. I have the feel­ing of an A/B test that Erasure has car­ried out here on a large scale. We will prob­ably nev­er know the details. By the way, I think the album art­work is terrible!

  1. Rain 3.5
  2. Worlds On Fire 3.5
  3. Reach Out 3.5
  4. In My Arms 4
  5. Don't Say Your Love Is Killing Me 4
  6. Precious 3.5
  7. Treasure 3.5
  8. Boy 3.5
  9. How Can I Say 3.5
  10. Save Me Darling 3
  11. Love Affair 3.5

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Erasure - Light At The End Of The World

10. Light At The End Of The World

Release: 2007
Overall Rating: 3.68 ★★★★☆
Great tracks: I Could Fall In Love With You, Sunday Girl, How My Eyes Adore You
Weak tracks: (None)

The album 'Light At The End Of The World' has no major mis­fires and stays well in the mid­field in terms of song qual­ity and vari­ety. If 'Cowboy' has the worst album art­work of any Erasure album, then the title for the chees­iest, the album 'Light At The End Of The World' is safe.

  1. Sunday Girl 4
  2. I Could Fall In Love With You 4.5
  3. Sucker For Love 3.5
  4. Storm In A Teacup 3
  5. Fly Away 3.5
  6. Golden Heart 4
  7. How My Eyes Adore You 4
  8. Darlene 3.5
  9. Glass Angel 3.5
  10. Be My Baby 3.5
  11. I Don't Know Why 3.5

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Erasure - Nightbird

9. Nightbird

Release: 2004
Overall Rating: 3.73 ★★★★☆
Great tracks: Here I Go Impossible Again, I'll Be There, All This Time Still Falling Out Of Love
Weak tracks: (None)

'Nightbird' is a sol­id Synth Pop release in the dis­co­graphy of 'Erasure'. Is it an album I listen to often? No, cer­tainly not, but there are a few high­lights that I really like.

  1. No Doubt 3.5
  2. Here I Go Impossible Again 4
  3. Let's Take One More Rocket To The Moon 3.5
  4. Breathe 3.5
  5. I'll Be There 4
  6. Because Our Love Is Real 3.5
  7. Don't Say You Love Me 3.5
  8. All This Time Still Falling Out Of Love 4
  9. I Broke It All In Two 4
  10. Sweet Surrender 4
  11. I Bet You're Mad At Me 3.5

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Erasure - Chorus / 30th Anniversary Deluxe Edition

8. Chorus

Release: 1991
Overall Rating: 3.85 ★★★★☆
Great tracks: Chorus, Love To Hate You
Weak tracks: (None)

'Chorus' is a must-have in every well-stocked Synth Pop col­lec­tion, simply because of the uber-hit 'Love To Hate You'. But also oth­er­wise the album is solidly pro­duced and con­tains a lot of fant­ast­ic songs besides the already men­tioned hit.

  1. Chorus 4.5
  2. Waiting For The Day 4
  3. Joan 3.5
  4. Breath Of Life 4
  5. Am I Right? 3.5
  6. Love To Hate You 5
  7. Turns The Love To Anger 3.5
  8. Siren Song 3
  9. Perfect Stranger 3.5
  10. Home 4

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Erasure - The Circus

7. The Circus

Release: 1987
Overall Rating: 3.9 ★★★★☆
Great tracks: It Doesn't Have To Be, Victim Of Love, Sometimes, The Circus
Weak tracks: (None)

With the second album 'Erasure' have really taken off. The album 'The Circus' received a proud 3.9 stars in the track by track rat­ing. The hit 'Sometimes' alone has made Erasure a con­stant in the scene.

  1. It Doesn't Have To Be 4.5
  2. Hideaway 3.5
  3. Don't Dance 3.5
  4. If I Could 3
  5. Sexuality 3
  6. Victim Of Love 5
  7. Leave Me To Bleed 3.5
  8. Sometimes 5
  9. The Circus 5
  10. Spiralling 3

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Erasure - The Innocents

6. The Innocents

Release: 1988
Overall Rating: 4.05 ★★★★☆
Great tracks: A Little Respect, Ship Of Fools, Chains Of Love
Weak tracks: Sixty-five Thousand

I guess the album 'The Innocents' by 'Erasure' is to die-hard fans what 'Black Celebration' is to 'Depeche Mode' fans. There's not much to shake about it.

  1. A Little Respect 5
  2. Ship Of Fools 5
  3. Phantom Bride 4
  4. Chains Of Love 5
  5. Hallowed Ground 4
  6. Sixty-five Thousand 2
  7. Heart Of Stone 4
  8. Yahoo! 4
  9. Imagination 4
  10. Witch In The Ditch 4
  11. Weight Of The World 3.5

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Erasure - World Be Gone

5. World Be Gone

Release: 2017
Overall Rating: 4.1 ★★★★☆
Great tracks: Love You To The Sky, Be Careful What You Wish For!
Weak tracks: (None)

What I love most about the album 'World Be Gone' is that Erasure prove that they can also make really gloomy music. Apart from excep­tions like 'Love You To The Sky', the album clearly shows the depress­ive mood of Vince Clarke and Andy Bell. The album is def­in­itely a snap­shot of the pre­vail­ing zeit­geist at the time.

  1. Love You To The Sky 5
  2. Be Careful What You Wish For! 5
  3. World Be Gone 4
  4. A Bitter Parting 4
  5. Still It's Not Over 4
  6. Take Me Out Of Myself 3
  7. Sweet Summer Loving 4
  8. Oh What A World 4
  9. Lousy Sum Of Nothing 4
  10. Just A Little Love 4

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Erasure - Tomorrow's World

4. Tomorrow's World

Release: 2011
Overall Rating: 4.2 ★★★★☆
Great tracks: Be With You, Fill Us With Fire, When I Start To (Break It All Down), I Lose Myself
Weak tracks: (None)

'Tomorrow's World' was the first Erasure album I reviewed for Electrozombies and I have to say, "Wow, what a record!". The stand­ard ver­sion fea­tures only nine songs, but all of them are excel­lently pro­duced to the point. Fresh new sounds and finally dance­able hits again.

  1. Be With You 5
  2. Fill Us With Fire 5
  3. What Will I Say When You're Gone? 3.5
  4. You've Got To Save Me Right Now 3.5
  5. A Whole Lotta Love Run Riot 4
  6. When I Start To (Break It All Down) 5
  7. I Lose Myself 4
  8. Then I Go Twisting 4
  9. Just When I Thought It Was Ending 4

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Erasure - The Neon

3. The Neon

Release: 2020
Overall Rating: 4.3 ★★★★☆
Great tracks: Hey Now (Think I Got A Feeling), Nerves Of Steel, Fallen Angel, Shot A Satellite, Diamond Lies
Weak tracks: (None)

The album 'The Neon' com­pletely con­vinced me the first time I listened to it. Crisp beats, catchy lyr­ics and no song lasts longer than it has to. Long intros or out­ros and gap fillers don't even occur here. After more than 30 years of band his­tory and the last great albums, you get the feel­ing that the duo have really grooved in.

  1. Hey Now (Think I Got A Feeling) 5
  2. Nerves Of Steel 5
  3. Fallen Angel 4.5
  4. No Point In Tripping 4
  5. Shot A Satellite 5
  6. Tower Of Love 3.5
  7. Diamond Lies 4.5
  8. New Horizons 3.5
  9. Careful What I Try To Do 4
  10. Kid You're Not Alone 4

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Erasure - The Violet Flame

2. The Violet Flame

Release: 2014
Overall Rating: 4.4 ★★★★☆
Great tracks: Elevation, Reason, Sacred, Paradise
Weak tracks: (None)

'The Violet Flame' is a first class Synth Pop opus that seeks its equal. For me, the album has some­thing of a comeback album. Erasure plays to all the strengths on this album that I have missed since the album 'I Say I Say I Say'. I'm also super happy that I got the lim­ited edi­tion of The Violet Flame early. It's now one of my favour­ite collector's items.

  1. Dead Of Night 4
  2. Elevation 5
  3. Reason 5
  4. Promises 4
  5. Be The One 4
  6. Sacred 5
  7. Under The Wave 4
  8. Smoke And Mirrors 4
  9. Paradise 5
  10. Stayed A Little Late Tonight 4

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Erasure - I Say I Say I Say (1994)

1. I Say I Say I Say

Release: 1994
Overall Rating: 4.5 ★★★★★
Great tracks: Take Me Back, I Love Saterday, Run To The Sun, Always
Weak tracks: (None)

The album 'I Say I Say I Say' may not be the best-selling Erasure album, but it is the one with the highest chart pos­i­tions world­wide. And cer­tainly not without reas­on, because pretty much every single song has radio hit qual­it­ies and is out­stand­ing in terms of ori­gin­al­ity and catchi­ness. It's no won­der that I included the album in my list of '20 Synth Pop mile­stones and col­lec­tion must-haves'. If Electrozombies had already exis­ted in 1994, the album 'I Say I Say I Say' would have been 'Album of the Year' with a glor­i­ous 4.5 stars. Absolutely recommendable!

  1. Take Me Back 5
  2. I Love Saterday 5
  3. Man In The Moon 4
  4. So The Story Goes 4
  5. Run To The Sun 5
  6. Always 5
  7. All Through The Years 4.5
  8. Blues Away 4
  9. Miracle 4
  10. Because You're So Sweet 4.5

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All Erasure albums in a chart overview

What's your opinion?

  • Which Erasure album do you like at most?
  • Share your per­son­al Erasure albums rank­ing with our visitors.
  • Write us your per­son­al story about your favour­ite album by Erasure?

Please use the com­ment sec­tion below.

Bonus – Electrozombies Erasure tribute compilation 'Love To Cover You'

To hon­our the band, we have released a trib­ute com­pil­a­tion in 2020. If you might have missed it, go and get it now:

Love To Cover You (A Tribute To Erasure)

Most popular posts of the last 30 days

  1. Top 10 songs:

    1. Blue Savannah (12" Mark Saunders Mix)
    2. Push Me Shove Me (Tacos Mix)
    3. Reach Out
    4. Sono Luminous
    5. Ship of Fools (Shiver Me Timbers 12" Mix)
    6. Truly Madly Deeply
    7. Heart of Stone
    8. Hallowed Ground
    9. Tenderest Moments
    10. I Could Fall in Love with You

  2. Top 5 for me would be:

    1. Wild! – Love this album so much, it's well paced and every track sounds like it could have been a single. The gor­geous Blue Savannah (glor­i­ous in its exten­ded 12" form), the epic Drama! and the mel­an­choly Crown of Thorns being the stand out tracks for me but, hon­estly, I love them all. It's a per­fect pop album at 35 minutes.
    2. The Innocents – Very nearly as good as Wild!, excel­lent pro­duc­tion and full of great, catchy songs such as Heart of Stone, Hallowed Ground and Ship of Fools.
    3. Wonderland – A very under­rated and under­ap­pre­ci­ated album in my opin­ion with so many catchy tunes (Push Me Shove Me being my favour­ite, Who Needs Love Like That and Say What).
    4. The Circus – My first Erasure album and the one that intro­duced me to Andy Bell's won­der­ful voice.
    5. Cowboy – Love this for Reach Out, Rain, Worlds on Fire, Save Me Darling and How Can I Say, any of which would have made great singles.

    I like all the Erasure albums for dif­fer­ent reas­ons, even the weak­er ones like Loveboat (Alien and Freedom are great tracks). Heck, even the recent Day-Glo is amaz­ing with its dreamy ambi­ence. It's great to listen to when I'm working!

  3. I think Violet Flame is one if the worst. I agree that Chorus is toward the top, all their older stuff was great. Wonderland, although a bit of a flop ini­tially, in my view is one of the their best. Most of their recent stuff isn’t great, bor­ing old Formula Pop, with the excep­tion of The Neon, which is quite good, as in my view it’s a bit of a nod to their early style. The Two Ringed Circus is superb.

  4. "A shattered heart in love's debris" must be the most beau­ti­ful of lyr­ics written.

    *Fingers and thumbs (Cold Summer's Day)

    1. I agree. A lot if their lyr­ics were very deep. “Love is colder than death, they say” 😂

  5. 1. Wild
    2. Cowboy
    3. I Say I Say I Say
    4. The Innocents
    5. Erasure
    6. Chorus
    7. Nightbird
    8. World Be Gone
    9. Wonderland
    10. The Circus
    11. Loveboat
    12. The Neon
    13. Snow Globe
    14. Tomorrow’s World
    15. Light At The End Of The World
    16. The Violet Flame

  6. I'm not going to run the entire list, but for me, like the oth­er respon­ders, it's almost cer­tainly Chorus at the top – this was bey­ond out­stand­ing at the time. The single 'Chorus' rocked everything and then Love To Hate You topped that.

    My top 5:

    1. Chorus
    2. The Circus
    3. The Innocents
    4. Wild!
    5. Nightbird

    World Be Gone is ter­rible! I'd not put it 15th, but cer­tainly in the bot­tom 5.

  7. 1. Chorus
    2. Wild!
    3. I Say I Say I Say
    4. Erasure
    5. Cowboy
    6. The Innocents
    7. The Circus
    8. Loveboat
    9. Wonderland

    The rest of albums – I tried to listen by it's not my cup of tea anymore

    1. Good point and I can tell you it was a dif­fi­cult decision. 'Other Peoples Songs' is a cov­er album and 'Union Street' is a concept album with pre­vi­ously released songs inter­preted in coun­try style. So these two albums are out of the rat­ing of reg­u­lar Erasure stu­dio albums. 'Snow Globe' con­tains at least 4 of Erasure's own songs, so it was with a heavy heart that I decided to include it in this ranking.

  8. 1. Chorus
    2. Wild!
    3. I Say I Say I Say
    4. Erasure
    5. Nightbird
    6. The Innocents
    7. The Circus
    8. Cowboy
    9. The Violet Flame
    10. Wonderland
    11. Light at the end of the world
    12. The Neon
    13. Loveboat
    14. Tomorrow’s World
    15. Snow Globe
    16. World Be Gone

  9. What an excel­lent feature,the bot­tom few I can agree with but hav­ing recently listened to all albums in order in there ori­gin­al ver­sions I have re arranged my top album to being the new­er out put,most notice­ably The Violet Flame,Tomorrow’s World,The Neon.

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