'The Sweetest Condition' reveal what happens next

The Sweetest Condition talks about new music video and upcoming album

the_sweetest_condition_-_watch_you_fall_-_ouijaThe Sweetest Condition releases 'Watch You Fall' official music video

Nearly one year since the release of 'Edge Of The World', the inter­na­tion­ally acclaimed inde­pend­ent album by Nashville-based indus­tri­al syn­thpop duo 'The Sweetest Condition', the band has released its new music video for the song 'Watch You Fall'.

Filmed through­out Tennessee over sev­er­al months, the music video fea­tures foot­age of vocal­ist and lyr­i­cist Leslie Irene Benson and synth-play­er­/­gui­tar­ist Jason Reed Milner. 'Watch You Fall' is where it all began for 'The Sweetest Condition' — a bit­ter­sweet, anti-love song ignited from the ashes of their former music pro­ject, 'Irene & Reed'. 'Watch You Fall' helped launch 'The Sweetest Condition' as a full-fledged music pro­ject in 2012, even­tu­ally mak­ing its way onto their debut LP in 2015.

"'Watch You Fall' blends pulsat­ing synths and gui­tars, build­ing intens­ity in a ritu­al­ist­ic, drunk­en dance cel­eb­rat­ing karm­ic revenge,” Benson says. “Our music rep­res­ents the chasm between love and lust. It’s the inno­cence of your first crush — that churn­ing, all-con­sum­ing infatu­ation — and the viol­ent obses­sion and tox­ic code­pend­ency born from bad decisions. Some joy, some pain.”

'Watch You Fall' was the first track writ­ten and recor­ded by 'The Sweetest Condition', an oppor­tun­ity that allowed the artists to return to their dark­er music roots. It remains a quint­es­sen­tial track from the debut album, and it con­tin­ues to receive reg­u­lar air­play on pod­casts and radio pro­grams around the world.

The Sweetest Condition – Watch You Fall
'Watch You Fall' (Official Music Video) ℗ © The Sweetest Condition 2015
(Music: Jason Reed Milner/Lyrics: Leslie Irene Benson)

The unveiling of the upcoming album

As the band winds down its year­long pro­mo­tion for 'Edge Of The World', the artists are pre­par­ing for their second full-length album release, 'We Defy Oblivion', later in 2016. The new album will be self-released on Bandcamp and oth­er digit­al music retail­ers. For more inform­a­tion, fol­low 'The Sweetest Condition' on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, and vis­it their offi­cial web­site at TheSweetestCondition.com.

About the band

The Sweetest Condition is an indus­tri­al syn­thpop duo com­pris­ing Jason Reed Milner (music + synths) and Leslie I. Benson (lyr­ics + vocals), based in Nashville, Tennessee, USA, that blends icon­ic sounds of the ’80s, indus­tri­al muscle of the ’90s, and cine­mat­ic soundscapes.

The Sweetest Condition offical channels


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